Want to crush your appetite and lose a few post-Covid pounds without being hungry?

Please join me

Stephanie Meyer of Project Vibrancy

for a FREE Macro Reset!

I'll send you a few emails to get you rolling, share what I'm learning from my personal trainer/bodybuilder sister, answer questions, and give you simple tips for creating your own fun experiment:

  • Picking an app to track food, calories and macros.
  • Tracking your food for a few days to see what you're currently eating for calories and grams of protein, carbs, and fat.
  • Using the app's settings to set new macro and calorie goals to experiment with.
  • Simple meal ideas and recipes for maximizing satiety (aka fullness/feeling satisfied!), deliciousness, and nutrient density in a calorie deficit (of your choosing).

Knowledge is power and seeing what you currently eat and how to easily tweak it can yield big - appetite busting! - results.

Join me for a FREE, fun, and delicious experiment!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.